Non-Integrated Cost Accounting System (गैर-एकीकृत लागत लेखांकन विधि):-
- When two separate set of book of accounts are maintained to record the cost and financial transactions then it is known as Non-Integrated Cost Accounting System.
- जब लागत एवं वित्तीय सौदों के लिए दो पृथक लेखा पुस्तकें बनायीं जाती है तो इसे गैर-एकीकृत लागत लेखांकन विधि कहते है।
- It is also known as "Non-Integral Cost Accounting System" or "Cost Ledger Accounting System."
- इसे "Non-Integral Cost Accounting System" या "Cost Ledger Accounting System" के नाम से भी जाना जाता है।
- Principal Accounts under Non-integrated cost accounting system are as under:-
- Cost Ledger Control Account or General Ledger Adjustment Account
- Stores Ledger control Account
- Wages Control Account
- Manufacturing/Production/Works/Factory Overhead Control Account
- Work-in-process Control Account
- Administrative Overhead Control Account
- Finished Goods Control Account
- Selling and Distribution Control Account
- Cost of Sales Accounts
- Costing Profit and Loss Account
- Overhead Adjustment Account
Integrated Cost Accounting System (एकीकृत लागत लेखांकन विधि):-
- When only one set of book of accounts is maintained to record the cost and financial related transactions then it is known as Integrated Cost Accounting System.
- जब लागत एवं वित्तीय सौदों को केवल एक ही लेखा पुस्तक में दर्ज किया जाता है तो इसे एकीकृत लागत लेखांकन विधि कहते है।
- Advantages (लाभ) :
- No need for reconciliation statement (समाधान विवरण की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं होती है)
- Less effort (कम प्रयास)
- Less time consuming (कम समाय लगता है)
- It is also known as "Integral Cost Accounting System."
- इसे "Integral Cost Accounting System" के नाम से भी जाना जाता है ।
Note: - There is no need to prepare "Cost Leger Control Account" or "General Ledger Adjustment Account". (एकीकृत लागत लेखांकन में “Cost Leger Control Account" y "General Ledger Adjustment Account" बनाने की आवश्यकता नहीं होती है।)
Reconciliation Statement (समाधान विवरण):-
- It will be prepared when Non-integrated cost accounting system followed.
- ये विवरण तब बनाया जब गैर-एकीकृत लागत लेखांकन विधि का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
- This will reconcile the Profit from Cost Records and Financial Records.
- ये लागत एवं वित्तीय लाभों के मिलान के लिए बनाया जाता है।
Causes of Differences in Financial and Cost Accounts:-
- Items included in Financial Accounts only:-
- Interest on Loan or Debentures;
- Expenses and discounts on issue of shares or debentures;
- Loss by fire;
- Loss on sale of Fixed Assets
- Goodwill w/off;
- Preliminary Expenses w/off;
- Income tax;
- Donation or Subscriptions;
- Expenses of the company's share transfer office;
- Interest received from Investments;
- Dividends Received
- Profit on sale of Investments or Fixed Assets;
- Dividends received;
- Transfer fees received;
- Rent Received etc.
- Items included in Financial Accounts only:-
- Notional Rent
- Notional Interest on Capital
- Notional Salary to Owner
- Notional Depreciation